Saturday, March 4, 2017

Post #4 folklore and occupation.

I asked my dad for an example of folklore that impacted his life. He answered with the big scary things that would get you if you went into the woods by yourself. That kind of thing scared him until he got older and understood that it was just his mom not wanting him to go out alone, he also used that on use when my brother and I were young too. No tall tales or anything like that impacted his life because he had to grow up rather quickly and gain an understanding of the world. When I asked my father is occupation I thought he would give me a list of all the things that he has done over the years but he just told me that he was an artist. One of the big things he does though is he makes historic reproductions of tools, art and other objects for around the 16th and 17th century. I also brought up his job as a historical reenactor but he didn’t go into to much detail about that. When I asked him how his many jobs as an artist made an impact on his life he answered that it just made him a better artist and when he attributed it to making reproductions he said he had a distinct set of rules he had to follow to make sure that the piece was historically correct but still pleasing to look at. When I brought up the same question about reenacting he said it had taught him that he would rather do the hard work by hand rather than let machines do it for him. He used the example of he’d rather did a big hole himself then have a backhoe do it for him.
                                                        This is some of my dads work

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