Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Post 4 character parallels

The only two characters that appear in both the story and the movie are Rapunzel and Mother Gothel/enchantress, they are not really similar at all either. In the story the enchantress is like a mother figure to Rapunzel but unlike Mother Gothel the enchantress actually cares for Rapunzel and loves her like a daughter where as Gothel only cares for her because of her hair. So, they are both like mother figures. Rapunzel herself is very different in the story to the movie in the story she is the daughter of a pester farmer where as in the movie she is a princess by birth and doesn't marry into the royal line. Tangled's Rapunzel is very adventurous and has a lot more character development then that of the her fairy tale counter part. The Grimm Brother's Rapunzel is just sort of there to be rescued and that pretty much it. I personalty like what has become of the long haired princess thanks to Disney, though it is not as close to the original story by the Grimm Brother it is a nice adaptation.  

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